Grenseløs Kunst - Art For Change & Eco Moyo Education Centre

When my dear friend, fellow artist and founder of Art For Change - Eirik Jarl Trondsen asked me if I would consider donating an art work, to his charity auction, he knew there was a large change I would say no, as he knows this is something I very rarely do - unless there is a very good reasons for doing so - as it can undervalue my work. However he also knows both Art For Change, and The Eco Moyo Education Centre founded by his partner Lyndsay Sanner, embody values very similar to my own, and the ‘light seeds' that are part of the ‘Beautiful Series In Paradise’ paintings I did when I lost Ivanir are also a perfect fit for this. So I donated two of them - one to each of their charities.

Read more about the beautiful work they do in Africa on and




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